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Improving your credit score is a vital step towards better financial health. One improves his /her credit score by identifying which elements from his/her credit history are having the greatest impact so that they can take appropriate action. Here are key strategies to enhance your credit score:

  1. Pay Bills on Time: Your payment history is a major factor in your credit score. Make sure to pay all your bills on time, including credit cards, loans, and even utility bills. Setting up reminders or automatic payments can be helpful. From your credit report, you will be able to identify which accounts you have not been paying as you should. You should then ensure you pay the full installment owing on each of your accounts. Paying your bills on time, every month is one of the most important contributors to a good credit score.

  2. Reduce Debt and Credit Utilization: Work on paying down existing debt, particularly on credit cards. Aim to keep your credit utilization – the ratio of your credit card balances to your credit limits – below 30%. Lower is better. This can be achieved by paying down debt strategically. For example, through targeting accounts with smaller balances first among other strategies

  3. Keep Old Credit Accounts Open: The length of your credit history affects your score. Keeping older credit accounts open, even if you don’t use them often, can be beneficial as it demonstrates a longer credit history.

  4. Limit New Credit Inquiries: Each time you apply for credit, it can result in a hard inquiry, which may slightly lower your score. Limit the number of new credit applications you make. Applying for credit through various lenders at the same time may be viewed negatively as this might signal to lenders that you may be taking on new debt or that your financial situation has significantly changed. Financial health checks are important as well limiting the number of inquiries to one per year because you leave a footprint on each and every Inquiry.

  5. Diversify Your Credit Mix: Having a mix of different types of credit (like a car loan, credit card, and mortgage) can positively impact your score. However, don’t open new accounts just to improve your credit mix; it’s not a major factor.

  6. Check Credit Reports Regularly: Obtain your credit reports from the major credit bureaus and review them for errors. Dispute any inaccuracies you find, as these can negatively impact your score.

  7. Pay-Off Collections and Past-Due Accounts: If you have any accounts in collections or past due, focus on paying these off. While the impact of past mistakes will lessen over time, paying off these debts can still positively affect your score. Pay off any amounts owing from negative information on your credit report such as judgements or administrative orders from the courts.

  8. Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you're struggling to manage your debt, consider consulting a credit counselor. They can provide advice and help you develop a plan to improve your financial situation.

  9. Use Credit Responsibly: Use your credit cards responsibly. This means not maxing out your cards and trying to pay more than the minimum payment each month.

  10. Be Patient: Improving your credit score is a process that takes time. Continue practicing good credit habits, and you should see gradual improvements.

Remember, while credit scores are important, they are just one aspect of your financial health. It’s also important to focus on other aspects, such as saving, investing, and budgeting. At Debt Sage we can pull your credit report and you’ll get an in-depth view of how much debt you have and assess your creditworthiness. Contact our debt counselling experts today at 010 005 5350 or send us an email at you can complete our free call-back form and one of our consultants will call you back.

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