Debt counselling in Johannesburg with Debt Sage will prevent credit providers from taking legal action against consumers who cannot afford to pay their monthly debt commitments. The National Credit Act (NCA) introduced debt counselling which allows an over-indebted consumer to first try to resolve their debt problem by way of applying for debt counselling first before other debt solutions such as debt administration or sequestration. Administration and sequestration have far-reaching effects and cripple future borrowing capacity.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Counselling
They are advantages and disadvantages of debt counselling and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages if one really needs help sorting out their debts.
debt restructuring IN JOHANNESBURG
Our debt counsellors negotiate with your credit providers so that you pay reduced monthly instalments that you can afford. We negotiate that you pay reduced interest rates. We consolidate all your debt into one easy monthly payment that pays your debt.
We have been involved in debt counselling since its inception and have mastered the debt counselling process including obtaining court orders and clearance certificates. Through obtaining court orders it implies that you can become debt-free without losing your assets i.e. home and motor vehicle.
Debt counselling in Johannesburg from Debt Sage could be what you need to improve your daily cash flow needs and become debt-free. You avoid being blacklisted and avoid large legal costs when compared to all other debt solutions. The process is less costly and easy to implement.